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Tackling the Corona Virus

| Company News

The Prime Minister’s announcement, on the 23rd March, to introduce further restrictions for a three week lock down necessitates further action.  Generation UK is acting now to ensure the safety of our customers, staff and families.

Robert Jenrick, the Construction Minister, has advised construction activity can continue if sites are able to maintain social distancing.  But it is clear the nature of the work and environment makes it difficult to ensure a safe working distance and eliminate transmission of the Corona virus. Acknowledging this and the broader needs of the UK, many companies are closing their sites either immediately or in a phased manner over the next few days.

We too feel that the safety of our teams, customers and broader UK must come first.  

Generation plan to taper operations over the coming days.  The UK branch network will continue to operate this week. In this period we will complete any outstanding deliveries and collections of equipment.

From the close of business on Friday 27th March our commercial fleet will be stood down and we will begin operations with a skeleton team. We will not make deliveries or collections to customer sites until advised that it is safe to restart operations.

Customers will still be able to make scheduled collections or returns to our branches. Customers visiting the sites will need to remain in the open air, maintain 2 metres distance at all times and follow all staff directions. To schedule a delivery or collection customers will be able call the relevant branch or Freephone number: 0800 779 7112 within office hours.

The situation is unprecedented and our decision has been made in the best interests and safety of the Generation teams and our customers. We hope we can tackle this together and ensure we come through it safely together.

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